Write a Song With Chloe!


We invite you to:

  1. Gather with friends and people you trust

  2. Help each other make it through life

  3. Be courageous in sharing, compassionate in responding, and creative in your resilience together for the good of all.


  1. How is it going?

  2. How can we help each other?

  3. Who else do we need to think about and pray for today?


Even Paul, a writer of much of the New Testament, relied on female leaders to help him see things clearly. Chloe was one of those women. She called out the divisions among some of the early Christian communities and set the stage for a much quoted passage in 1 Corinthians.


  1. Who are the women in your life who are not shy about calling out bad behavior?

  2. How do feel about important female leaders not getting as much written about them in the Bible as the men?

  3. 1 Corinthians 1:11 says “For it has been made clear to me by Chloe’s people that there are quarrels among you, my brothers and sisters.” What quarrels do you feel compelled to expose today?

  4. HELP WRITE CHLOE’S SONG - Motor City Hymns is a project to write music for faith communities that they need today. Let’s write a song about Chloe and women like her and their witness of truth telling for the church! Drop a word or phrase in the form below and we’ll work on putting it into a song the church can sing, learn from, and be inspired by!


  • Remember that in community you can create conspiracies of goodness for the world!

  • When you and your crew are ready, we have $100 grants to help you launch goodness together.

  • And, the Love that created the whole universe is cheering for you to connect with others and make goodness real for the world!

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